Requirements to Utilize VRI

July 10, 2020

Requirements to Utilize VRI

The demand for interpreting services is at its peak today. From the corporate to the healthcare sector, every industry in this world requires certified and professional interpreters. Due to the increase in demand for interpreters, numerous interpreting service-providing companies have sprung up from every corner of the world. These companies offer expert interpreters for every language, including American Sign Language.

The oldest form of interpreting is on-site interpreting services. It is one of the most reliable types of interpretation that companies and institutes are using even today. However, on-site interpreting is costly. Not only do consumers have to pay their hourly rates, but they have to pay for their transport. With technology beaming from every part of the globe, even the interpretation industry is enjoying amazing technological solutions such as the Video-Remote Interpreting – VRI.

Video Remote Interpreting – VRI

The Video Remote Interpreting – VRI has brought with itself convenience and ease in the interpreting industry. Consumers do not have to pay high costs for hiring an on-site interpreter, and they can benefit from the interpreting services using the concept of video conferencing.

VRI has made it possible for consumers to use interpreting services at short notice. In just a matter of a few minutes, you can get connected to a professional and a certified interpreter.

Requirements of Video Remote Interpreting

Many companies have given up the idea of having an interpreter on-site due to the expenses that surround it. On-site interpretation is being replaced with Video Remote Interpreting, which is much more convenient and cost-effective.

Stable Internet Connection

The primary requirement to utilize VRI services, you need to have a stable internet connection. As the interpreter will provide the services remotely, both sides need to have a strong internet connection. Not having a stable internet connection will increase the chances of miscommunication and misinterpretation.

To ensure that accurate communication takes place, you will need to have access to uninterrupted internet access. A bad connection not only distracts the audience but even makes it difficult for the interpreter to understand the messages. To begin utilizing VRI, contact us at or request services at!

A Device with in-built Webcam

For video interpreting, you will require a camera with high resolution. You may use a laptop, smartphone, tablet, phablet, or a PC, any device that has an in-built good quality camera in it. The camera is an essential requirement if you want to opt for video remote interpreting.

Good Audio and Video Resolutions

Top-quality audio is essential if you want the interpreter to relay your message to the consumers accurately. Bad quality audio will make it difficult for the interpreter to hear the messages clearly, which will pave the way for inaccurate interpretation.

Want top-quality Video Remote Interpreting services for your firm? Contact us today. We, at Frederick Interpreting Agency, have the most professional and skilled interpreters on board!



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